Feeling Fantastic Starts Here

Welcome to Phoenix Wellness and Nutrition

OurĀ purpose is to serve you with the most up-to-date nutritional information for your ongoing health concerns.


If you or a loved one is battling a health concern, or if you want to prevent one, seeing a nutritionist is wise.  Everyone needs good nutrition as it is the foundation of good health.

Together we will work with your specific needs to ensure your long term health is full of energy and vitality.  

Our sessions will take an objective look at your personal health situation and make a plan to achieve optimal health.  What is your goal?  What are your numbers? -  The blood sugar number?  The cholesterol one?  BMI? The blood pressure numbers? 

Our nutritional counseling program works because we get to the source of the issue that is keeping your number up, then…. you guessed it – bring it down. 

Conditions treated, but not limited to : Crohn's, Colitis, NASH, Fatty liver, Liver disease, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular disease, Obesity, disease prevention, stress and more.

Dr. Lynnette Orrick, DC, MS

Dr. Orrick has enjoyed many years in health care, first as a chiropractor and now as a clinical nutritionist. She has a Master's of Science in Applied Clinical Nutrition and is verse in a wide array of nutritional concerns and disease management.  She as a special interest in helping patients create wellness plans geared towards healthy eating patterns as to avoid the pitfalls of chronic disease. 

Dr. Orrick uses the latest clinical assessments that center on specific disease processes.  Her conclusions and treatment protocols are based on relevant scientific and clinical evidence. She has over a decade of experience in reading and interpreting lab reports and diagnostic studies, therefore patients are welcome to bring current reports in for review as to assist in the treatment plan.

Together with you, Dr. Orrick will analyze eating patterns in order to relate the importance of nutritional intervention for the most optimal outcome. 





Get In Touch, We Would Love to Meet You!Ā 

For over a decade, Dr. Orrickā€™s fulfilling career in health care has included treating individuals with chronic health issues with a high level of knowledge and action.Ā 

As a clinical nutritionist, Dr. Orrick has a master level knowledge of nutrition and how specific nutrients affect the body.Ā  She has an authentic passion for working with individuals and assist them in making true differences in their health for the long term.


E-Mail: [email protected]




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